
This is a list of resources that we personally recommend. If you have resources to add, or remove, please reach out to us on the contact page.

Table of Contents

Advocacy and Support

Affirming Spaces Project

New Hampshire-based organization dedicated to improving local communities through the development and maintenance of welcoming and affirming environments for patrons, visitors, and employees of all genders.

603 Equality

Launching soon. A new statewide, grassroots, LGBTQ+ advocacy organization.


PFLAG NH provides support to parents, children, and friends who are coming to terms with their gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and questioning loved ones. All are welcome at our monthly support meetings.

Health and Wellness

Gender Diverse Care Coalition NH

Expanding gender-affirmative care in NH through training, resource-sharing, consultation, and advocacy.

Arts and Culture


Queerlective seeks to create and promote inclusive environments for the queer, BIPOC and underserved communities with a focus on utilizing art for personal and community growth.